MomoCon brings together fans of Japanese Anime, American Animation, Comics, Video Games, and Tabletop Games to celebrate their passion by costuming / cosplay, browsing the huge exhibitors hall, meeting celebrity voice talent, designers, and writers behind their favorite shows, games, and comics and much much more over this 4 day event.
shop irl
catch emberworks and get your gamer smells irl at these upcoming events! be sure to follow us on twitter and instagram for the most up-to-date details ✨
think we'll be a great fit as a vendor at your next event? contact us and let's link up!
Savannah Comic Con | 5/11/24 - 5/12/24 | confirmed
Join us for our 10th year anniversary as we continue to build the only locally owned comic convention Savannah Comic Convention into the premiere Pop Culture event of Southeast Georgia!
MomoCon | 05/24/24 - 05/27/24 | confirmed
Bold Matsuri | 06/22/24 - 06/23/24 | confirmed
Bold Matsuri is Jacksonville, FL's annual Anime and Cosplay Festival.
Wasabicon | 10/11/24 - 10/13/24 | confirmed
Jacksonville's Anime, Cosplay & Gaming Convention